This is a photo journal post. For the past five days I was out on the water with a great fisherman and good friend Shad Goldston. We had a lot of fun as you can see from the photos below.
Day 1
First fish of the trip it was a great way to start things off
This fish was slurping dries off the surface in some nice slow water
This fish was sipping dries in a really tough spot so Shad made a great Long down stream drift and fed this fish a size 16 Adams. It was fishing a spring creek the way we caught this fish. Great job brotha!
Day 2
Heavy Bodied Rainbow caught on the G-String Worm
Look at the Colors on this fish it looks like a South American Brown
Beautiful Brown Taken on the Pink G-String Worm
Green Drake Dry... YES!!
Brown on the Dry
Streamer Eater Number 1
23 inch Rainbow taken on a 6 inch long Streamer
(Streamer Eater Number 2)
Head shot of a great Bow
Some Trout have Wings Too
Day 3
20 inch Brown on a Mahogany Dry
Beautiful Brown taken on a
Nice Browny taken on a Dry
Day 4
23 inch Female Brown caught on a #8 Tung. Salvation Nymph
Nice Head Shot
Day 5
We had a bit of a tougher day on the water on day 5. We hooked into an incredible fish on a CDC Mahogany Dry that really did not want his photo taken. Oh well that is part of the game sometimes.
Overall we had a great time on the water together and got into some great fish. Shad made the book of 20 4 times during his time here. Congrats Brotha you deserve it.